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An integer type represents a mathematical integer. The maximum values for the range are at least +/- (231 - 1).


  type NewName is range Range;


See Declaration


The lower and upper bounds of the Range must be static integer expressions.

Things to remember

Integer types are not mutually compatible; they cannot be mixed unless explicit Type Conversions are used. An unconstrained INTEGER synthesizes to 32 bits, so always give a constraint for synthesis!


An integer range 0 to N-1 synthesizes to a bus of width log N bits. The value 2 is represented as a binary number. Negative numbers are represented in two's complement format.


It is more convenient to create a subtype of the predefined type INTEGER (e.g. subtype T is INTEGER range 0 to 7;) rather than defining a new integer type.


  type INT is range -8 to 7;

See Also

Number, Type, Subtype, Range, Floating, Standard